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Developer Central

An online portal where developers can access our SDK, developer kit and documentation, as well as publish and manage their apps on the marketplace.

Developer Central

Opening up the payment industry to third party apps has been a challenge because of strict security requirements, closed operating systems and lack of motivation to draw developers. Not anymore. Verifone now enables developers to write apps that sit right at the point of transaction making in-store experience rival any online experience. Here are a few third party apps that already run on our devices.

We have spent considerable effort to make coding for Verifone as easy as you like. Apps can work alongside the point-of-sale app installed on the device without requiring any custom integration. We have worked hard to eliminate expensive and time-consuming app certification processes that allows for apps to run on our devices.

Our global footprint is second to none. We accept payments in over 150 countries. Millions of customers interact with our devices each day across numerous merchants. Here’s a unique possibility for you to influence that experience and add value to the merchant and/or the end-user. Here’s how you could do it in 3 simple steps.

  • Build



    Download our SDK now and start building apps that matter at the point of sale