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Independent Software Vendor (ISV)

What is an Independent Software Vendor (ISV)?

I - In - de - pen - dent So - ft - ware Ven - dor

An ISV is an entity that creates and sells software products intended for use by businesses or individual users. These software offerings cover a wide spectrum, ranging from applications and tools to niche solutions tailored for particular industries or requirements. ISVs are pivotal in the technology landscape, contributing by developing and delivering software solutions that elevate productivity, efficiency, and innovation across diverse businesses and their clientele.

How does an independent software vendor (ISV) work?

An ISV builds customized software solutions that empower businesses to boost their marketing results, simplify operations, and attain their objectives with greater efficacy. These solutions span from CRM platforms to marketing automation tools, finely tuned to address distinct requirements and industry sectors. ISVs work closely with businesses, providing bespoke software to elevate their marketing strategies and outcomes.

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