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Digital Commerce

What is digital commerce?

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Digital commerce, often referred to as e-commerce, is the process of buying and selling goods and services using the internet, mobile networks and associated digital infrastructure. In the digital commerce landscape, transactions occur electronically, allowing businesses and consumers to engage in trade without the constraints of physical locations or traditional brick-and-mortar establishments.

The core components of digital commerce include various facets that collectively facilitate and enhance these online transactions. These include a range of elements, such as content development, data analytics, marketing strategies, pricing mechanisms, customer acquisition and retention efforts, and the design of an optimal customer experience.

In essence, digital commerce is a multifaceted ecosystem that leverages the internet and digital technologies to facilitate transactions, offering businesses opportunities to reach wider audiences and customers the convenience of shopping from virtually anywhere. It continues to evolve as technology advances, shaping the way businesses operate and consumers interact with products and services.

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