- Device ManagementSearch description
Gain complete control of your estate with end-to-end device management tools.
- Hosted CheckoutSearch description
Our Virtual Terminal solution enables you to accept mail order/telephone order (MOTO) transactions for your business - no webpage needed.
- Reporting & AnalyticsSearch description
Get real-time business intelligence for streamlined growth.
- Hosted CheckoutSearch description
Let your customers pay on any channel using a secure payment link hosted by us and send the link email, SMS or social media – no website required.
- Crypto PaymentsSearch description
Welcome more customers by accepting payment from the growing number of individuals who want to use Dogecoin, Ether and other cryptocurrencies to pay for goods and services.
- AcquiringSearch description
As your merchant acquirer, our robust payments solution can help you manage your flow of funds and drive even stronger business growth.
- Vending & ticketingSearch description
Provide your customers with a payment solution that they actually enjoy using with a device from our unattended range.
- Reseller/ISO/IVR/VARSearch description
Keep your business – and the merchants you serve – ahead of the competition with help from our innovative commerce solutions.
- Transport & TravelSearch description
Help your customers get to their destinations with flexible payment services and devices that take the stress out of their journeys – and your own.
- Acquiring PartnerSearch description
Acquire for Verifone merchants and expand your client portfolio.
End-to-end payments solutions to streamline your brand experience and boost your bottom line.
- Advanced payment methods
- Tokenization
- Fraud management
- Reporting and analytics
- Verifone acquiring
- 2Checkout